Wednesday, February 11, 2009


As I stated in the blog 'Jacked' I am beginning to archive some of my past works. I didn't think that a full blown website was quite appropriate at this stage so please enjoy a few oldies but goodies. I will probably do these kind of posts a few times.

p.s. These images are seriously random and have no real relationship to each other. They were shot with a film camera between 2000-05ish.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beware the 'Glossy Veneers'

Glossy Veneers are what I call men who are full-time fronters. Those dudes that have looking good down to an art. I mean, watching them dress is like watching an angel formed from a block of ice. The attention to detail is mind-boggling! Making sure their soap scent doesn't clash with their cologne, and if it does, mixing fragrances to equalize the effect... Matching the diamonds and gems in their bling to the accent color in their shoes. Brushing their lips to bring out the natural red and applying a semi-matte gloss for that all night LLCoolJ lip licking look.

Veneers far surpass the maintenance habits of Metros. For Metros, its all about the hair and the clothes. For Veneers it is the full package.

Be real... that shit is hard to resist! But resist you must! For within the Glossy Veneer is a whole grimy mess of undetected, unattended and unresolved issues. You've got the mommas boys, the chauvinists, the wife-beaters, the man-whores, the happily unemployed, the cry babies, and the bad credit havin', ambition-less, ain't gotnos!  Think about it... why do you think they spend so much time putting themselves together to perfection? They are typically so mentally and emotionally unattractive that to even slightly appeal to a worthwhile woman they have to gloss it up! Veneers have the emotional maturity of 12 year old boys. You would too if you spent 90% of your time perfecting your outer layer. 

So... save yourself the heartache of being constantly disappointed, stood-up, cheated on, and out dressed... Beware the Glossy Veneers! 


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lykke Li @ Sixth & I Historical Synagogue

Determined to consistently feed the soul, try new things and go new places...
Don't know about you, but I am into all kinds of music, and I was excited to kick this year off with a very cool concert with Lykke Li @ Sixth & I Historical Synagogue in DC... Crazy venue, by the way. Beautiful and ultra moody but we were, for real, sitting in pews (me in my sheer top, leather leggings and freakum boots! quite a sight). Needless to say I was relieved when the lights dimmed and everyone rushed the stage, in true concert tradition, to get their groove on up close and personal with Lykke Li!